
Independent reviews of bibliophile occulture.

‘Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene’ by Donna J. Haraway
Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee

‘Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene’ by Donna J. Haraway

Haraway invites us, as readers, to spectate-and-speculate with the experiences she records and links together. It is not passive, but a participatory role which invites us to speculate-with-Haraway about our own experience. We are presented with the author’s oddkinnery and perhaps may begin to conceive of ourselves tentacularly; touched, grasped, tasted-with, made and making-with things beyond the boundaries of what we consider human or person in our lives.

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‘Ani.Mystic’ by Gordon White
Original Peter Mark Adams Original Peter Mark Adams

‘Ani.Mystic’ by Gordon White

Ani.Mystic is a beautiful and informative work. But to read it is to embark upon a densely woven encounter. The sheer variety of voices that contribute to its fabric do not obfuscate, in any way, its message. Rather, they serve to pitch a distinctly perspectival challenge to the reader, to ingrained habits of thinking and being […]. The quality of its prose and the logic underpinning its argument are, respectively, stylistically well-polished and thoroughgoing; the choice and use of its various interlocutors a treasure chest of sources and ideas.

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‘A Demon-Haunted Land’ by Monica Black
Original Scott Gosnell Original Scott Gosnell

‘A Demon-Haunted Land’ by Monica Black

[…] Black was able to find “scores of ‘witchcraft trials’” “between roughly 1947 and 1965”, as well as “sources in which people talk of being pursued by devils and hiring exorcists”, “police records describing prayer circles whose members convened to combat demonic infection”, “mass pilgrimages to holy sites in search of spiritual cures and redemption”.

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‘Historiola: The Power of Narrative Charms’ by Carl Nordblom
Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee

‘Historiola: The Power of Narrative Charms’ by Carl Nordblom

What Nordblom has done is provide us with a framework to discover our own relationship to the magical or sorcerous narrative within our own lives – a kind of praxis which enables us to think about word and image in a way which may be unusual to some moderns. […] we should thank the author for providing us with only a glimpse of the many worlds of the historiolae which may present the enquiring mind with rich alterities.

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‘The Cult of the Black Cube’, 2nd Edition, by Arthur Moros
Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee

‘The Cult of the Black Cube’, 2nd Edition, by Arthur Moros

[…] This then, is where the Black Cube shines most darkly; for all that Moros presents us with scholarly analysis, and historic and new rites to encounter the Saturnine Deity in our own lives should we wish closer congress, it is his obvious intimate embrace of, and his deep suffusion in such a Saturnine Gnosis which wells up. 

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‘The Sworn and Secret Grimoire’ by Jake Stratton-Kent
Original Frater Acher Original Frater Acher

‘The Sworn and Secret Grimoire’ by Jake Stratton-Kent

Jake Stratton-Kent gently but decidedly brushes away the naive hope of offering the reader any sort of definite pathway, absolute truth or sanctified orthopraxy; instead, his book aims to create just about sufficient orientation points – as well as lazy readers’ trapdoors, one should add – so that each one of us can create, correct or continue to ruin their own ritualistic path.

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‘Rosicrucian Magic’ by Frater Acher
Original Stewart Clelland Original Stewart Clelland

‘Rosicrucian Magic’ by Frater Acher

Rosicrucian Magic raises the question of what kind of balance must be struck in both the practice and the study of esotericism in general. Acher’s answer is in a phenomenological understanding of the Rosicrucian experience, of the initiatic moment, with all its intentionality, temporality, and intersubjectivity, we might well find a sympathetic understanding – the internal connections the modern initiate is attempting to achieve.

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‘Stranger in the Mask of a Deer’ by Richard Skelton
Original Peter Mark Adams Original Peter Mark Adams

‘Stranger in the Mask of a Deer’ by Richard Skelton

Stranger in the Mask of a Deer is, perhaps, the single most impactful sequence of thematically-linked poetry to have been written in the spirit and celebration of a pure and unadulterated paganism that I have encountered; one that combines its sinuous diction with an essential and ageless metaphysics.

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‘RUNA - The Wisdom of the Runes’ by A.D. Mercer
Original Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold Original Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

‘RUNA - The Wisdom of the Runes’ by A.D. Mercer

Upon closing the book, it is good to know that this book will not remain closed. It is reassuring to know this book has come into the world. Mercer has composed not only an elegant but also a very practical and useful handbook for the entire use and mysteries of the Armanen futhark.

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‘Black Easter’ by James Blish
Original Frater Acher Original Frater Acher

‘Black Easter’ by James Blish

Black Easter is a firework of a short novel, shooting out into the dark sky of black magic. The kind of magic that does not aspire to work in service, and that values the short, sharp, spicy taste of exoticism over the genuine discovery of what lies beyond ourselves. Depending on how we like to approach this small book, it can either make for an entertaining read of noir-fantasy or, alternatively, for a thought-provoking parable on modern-day magic.

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‘The Tree of Gnosis’ by Ioan P. Couliano
Original Frater Acher Original Frater Acher

‘The Tree of Gnosis’ by Ioan P. Couliano

The Tree of Gnosis does not only present a masterful investigation into the complex history of Gnosticism – the book introduces us to a broader, much more challenging vista from where we can see ourselves, that what is truly at stake here is no longer Gnosticism, but “the meaning of history itself.”

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‘Demons and Spirits of the Land’ by Claude Lecouteux
Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee Original Craig ‘VI’ Slee

‘Demons and Spirits of the Land’ by Claude Lecouteux

This volume deals with “land spirits”, those entities and spirits of place which the Christian church referred to as “demons”. […] Approaching this book with an open mind is wise, because you may be surprised where it takes you, regardless of practice. Furthermore, it serves as a great introduction to Lecouteux’s work and jumping-off point to the other books Inner Traditions have translated, and provides really nice access to non-Anglocentric scholarship.

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‘The Three Headed Deity’ by Willibald Kirfel
Original José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal Original José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

‘The Three Headed Deity’ by Willibald Kirfel

Kirfel’s route through religious iconographies covers an unparalleled wide range of topics. The book explores the iconographic theme of a three-headed deity that spans across several cultures and eras. It discusses the notion that this was a transcultural pattern shared by Indo-European cultures spanning from India throughout pagan antiquity.

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‘Mystai’ by Peter Mark Adams
Original Damon Zacharias Lycourinos Original Damon Zacharias Lycourinos

‘Mystai’ by Peter Mark Adams

A meticulous study of this book will most likely feel like a daydream transporting the reader to the ancient world of the Mysteries and their gods initiated by Adams’s eloquent writing and personal insights supported by beautiful images of the frescoes of the Villa of the Mysteries and other ancient iconographies and artifacts. The functional combination of text and imagery is what makes Mystai such a potent and inspiring book.

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‘Marah’ by Temple of our Lady of the Abyss (ed.)
Original Jessica Grote Original Jessica Grote

‘Marah’ by Temple of our Lady of the Abyss (ed.)

[…]. This interpretation and connection of “Marah” with the topics of sex/birth, death and female/feminine is illustrated with an expressive artwork on the front cover by Alba Margarita which is a very good choice as it seems to me to also relate well to this first volume’s title of ‘Bitterness’ – even though I doubt whether it was the publisher’s intent to set the stage for the stereotype of the ‘bitter woman’.

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‘Tarot Skills for the 21st Century’ by Josephine McCarthy
Reprint Benebell Wen Reprint Benebell Wen

‘Tarot Skills for the 21st Century’ by Josephine McCarthy

Tarot Skills for the 21st Century: Mundane and Magical Divination by Josephine McCarthy is, at present, peerless. It stands out from the pack and is a necessary addition to the contemporary tarot library. When one of the most incredible and prolific occultists of our time, one with over 45 years of tarot reading experience, publishes a book on the tarot, you sit up and you pay attention.

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‘The Magical Knowledge Trilogy’ by Josephine McCarthy
Original Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold Original Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

‘The Magical Knowledge Trilogy’ by Josephine McCarthy

This book is such a great “take-no-bullshit” approach to magic, and in addition it gives so many great tools for establishing “inner world” and “outer world” contacts […]. And this is another astounding facet of The Magical Knowledge Trilogy: it is a book that wants you to disagree with it here and there, so you can chisel out your uniqueness more and more precisely as you advance through the lessons and suggestions presented abundantly here.  

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‘XVI. Bringing Down the House of God.’ edited by Peter Grey and Alkistis Dimech
Original Gordan Djurdjevic Original Gordan Djurdjevic

‘XVI. Bringing Down the House of God.’ edited by Peter Grey and Alkistis Dimech

[…] Essays in the collection address an array of contemporary crisis situations and calamities and correlate their impact and meaning with the symbol of the fallen Tower. The opinions are diverse and the views often verge on disturbing: there is certainly nothing in the book that would be acceptable to everyone, and that is as it should be. The overall message is however clear: it’s the end of the world as we know it, whether we like it or not.

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