Paralibrum. Beyond the book.
An independent home for bibliophile occulture.
So many good books. So little independent perspective.
Paralibrum is an independent home of high quality book and art reviews for the bibliophile occultist. We are not affiliated with any publishing house or magical order. The platform is entirely free of commercial interest. Paralibrum was launched during the Summer Solstice 2020 out of self-interest, to create what we were missing: a space filled with bright, critical minds, who are experts in their craft and tell us about their experience with the books and art they love.
To the Reader.
Remember opening your favourite newspaper's arts and features section on a Sunday morning? Remember the joy of going on short journeys - just for the duration of a coffee or two - into worlds of good taste, educated perspective and love for the arts. That is what we’d love to recreate for you at Paralibrum - with a focus on all things occulture, old and new.
To the Reviewers.
Here at Paralibrum, we are looking for book and art reviews, written by experts in their field on things they are excited about. We accept submissions on all things occulture - may they be old or new creations. Our values are depth of expertise, independence of perspective and fairness of judgement. If you’d like to contribute, we’d love to hear from you.
To the Publishers.
We love what you do. In fact, we are obsessed with it. It’s your fault our spouses and non-occult friends have stopped talking to us. So please give us your wonderful poison - and allow us to write about it. If you have books you’d like to see reviewed or if you have an in-depth independent quality review available you’d like to have published here, please get in touch below.