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‘Idolatry’ by Moshe Halbertal & Avishai Margalit
Original José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal Original José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

‘Idolatry’ by Moshe Halbertal & Avishai Margalit

To my estimation, the ideas in this book are incredibly rich. In the colonial approach to the indigenous Americans and their native religiosity, these would repetitively be accused by their colonizers of being sodomites as well as idolaters, both concepts being still deeply linked in the Renaissance Christian mindset…

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‘Goêtic Atavisms’ by Frater Acher and Craig ‘VI’ Slee
Original Sriram T R Original Sriram T R

‘Goêtic Atavisms’ by Frater Acher and Craig ‘VI’ Slee

This book requires multiple readings to understand how deftly the various sections gel together, despite their differences, or because of them. “What you did as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Therein lies the key to your earthly pursuits” (C.G. Jung). This is one such puzzle of a book with which you could have hours of pleasure.

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‘A Second Nature’ by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal
Original Frater Acher Original Frater Acher

‘A Second Nature’ by José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

A Second Nature is the second book by artist José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal (JGAS) and features a pristine selection of drawings and paintings collected over the relatively short period from 2014 to 2016. Right upon opening the book we realise that it can be read in many different ways. Whichever access route we choose though, once we delve into its manifold visions of the daimonic – some perfected in beauty, some in grotesqueness – we should be prepared to tremble.

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