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‘The Sworn and Secret Grimoire’ by Jake Stratton-Kent
Jake Stratton-Kent gently but decidedly brushes away the naive hope of offering the reader any sort of definite pathway, absolute truth or sanctified orthopraxy; instead, his book aims to create just about sufficient orientation points – as well as lazy readers’ trapdoors, one should add – so that each one of us can create, correct or continue to ruin their own ritualistic path.

‘The Testament of Cyprian the Mage’ by Jake Stratton-Kent
This fine double volume is an expedition into the ancestral blood-ties of the famous sorcerer-saint. To embark on it is to encounter Cyprian the Mage. Not only as the hero of an ancient polemic against the last surviving pagans, but more importantly as an ever present inner contact, a powerful spirit in its own right.