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‘ANARCH’ by Gast Bouschet. Reviewed by Peter Mark Adams.
In essence, ANARCH documents an ongoing process of profound personal transformation mediated by a four year long retreat in a forested landscape. Captured in fine writing and immersive photography, I cannot sufficiently commend the profundity of conception and execution that characterises this work.
‘ANARCH’ by Gast Bouschet. Reviewed by Frater Acher.
ANARCH brings the spirit of Beuys down into chthonic depths; brings it to lie beside us, as it were, in a sacrificial pit. From there, Gast’s book buries us alive, takes us on a satanic–alchemical journey to leave us injured, wounded, and fully given over to transience as undead revenants in the 21st century in new and diabolical forms.