Scott Gosnell

Scott Gosnell

Writer, scientist, entrepreneur, wizard.

He holds an MS in Cell Biology, Neurobiology, and Anatomy and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

Since 2000, he’s been the author of the bottlerocketscience blog. From 2015-2018, he was the host of the Startup Geometry Podcast. His most recently completed project is a seven-volume set of translations of seventeen of the works of 16th century philosopher, heretic, memory artist and magician Giordano Bruno.

Giordano Bruno Collected Works

  1. De Umbris Idearum: On the Shadows of Ideas and the Art of Memory, 2012

  2. On the Infinite, The Universe, and the Worlds, 2014

  3. Four Works on Llull: On the Compendious Architecture of Ramon Llull, Llullian Lamps, Scrutiny of the Subjects, Animadversions, 2015

  4. Thirty Seals and the Seal of Seals: A Work of the Art of Memory, 2016

  5. On Magic: Seven Works on Magic, 2018

  6. Thirty Statues: A Work of the Art of Memory and the Art of Invention, 2019

  7. Song of Circe and On the Composition of Images: Two Works of the Art of Memory, 2020