Review Copies.

How to request review copies with Paralibrum.


At Paralibrum we are a group of bibliophile occultists. This means, as much as our individual budgets allow, we all buy and read books every day. We are obsessed with the written word, the bound book, and with tracing and extracting the living spirit from it.

In this vein, Paralibrum does not commit or aspire to provide new contributors with free review copies. For first time publications with Paralibrum we encourage you to write and submit reviews of books you already have access to; either because you bought them or because the publisher kindly provided you a free copy directly.

For recurring contributors at Paralibrum we are tracking a list of reserved review books, and where possible attempt to secure free review copies from publishers and have these directly sent to the contributor’s postal address. After the review is completed and published these books can remain in the possession of the reviewer; they do not need to be sent to Paralibrum.

Should you be a recurring contributor and we have sent you this link directly, here is the procedure on how we will help you acquire the respective review copies. Thanks for following these steps, so we can be efficient and timely on our end in supporting you.

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Our 4-Step Process.

Step 1: Please fill in the below request form for the books you want to review and receive copies of. We can accept a maximum of three books per request. Once these are being processed, we expect to see reviews for all books requested, before we can accept another batch of review copy requests.

Step 2: Once we received your form submission, we’ll check on our end if the particular books have already been assigned to another contributor. We will get back to you via email as soon as possible to confirm.

Step 3: On behalf of Paralibrum we’ll then reach out to the publisher and request the specific book copies. By submitting the form below to us, you also consent to us forwarding your name and postal address to the publisher, so they can ship the books directly to you. Please note we do not commit to support you with printed books necessarily; the publisher might also decide to send a free electronic version of the book. — Depending on the responsiveness of the publisher, this step might take a few days.

Step 4: We will come back to you via email once we have received confirmation from the publishers that books are being shipped. Should the publisher refuse to provide review copies, we will inform you as well. In this case you’ll need to let us know if we should take your name off the list of reserved titles, or if you will buy the books yourself instead.